1. … flowing characteristics very easy to use with high mechanical properties. … Copper to Copper (without flux), Copper alloys, Brass, …
  2. … High mechanical properties and very good weldability due to a ingreased silicon content, …
  3. … Extreme crack resistant alloy with high mechanical properties and excellent welding characteristics. High impact strength at …
  4. … Superior resistance to stress corrosion where high temperature properties are required. It is not recommended to use this alloy for …
  5. … coated all positional pipe welding electrode designed especially for vertical down root pass welding on DC- and for subsequent passes on DC+. …
  6. … strength at low temperatures combined with excellent mechanical properties within a wide range of heat inputs.Usable under AWS D1.8 for use …
  7. … alloyed filler metal for flame welding with extreme good flowing properties without spatters during welding. Excelent mechanical strenght …
  8. … stress-corrosion resistance with exceptional mechanical strength properties. … 1.4507, 1.4410, 1.4468, 1.4515, 1.4517, 1.4501, 1.4467, …
  9. … a yield strength of 890N/mm2. To obtain the requested mechanical properties the heat input should be kept around 10 KJ/cm. Cooling time …
  10. … High productivity, high deposition rates and improved wetting properties compared to solid wires with similar analysis. Attractive bead …