1. … a slightly higher percentage of phosphor, suitable for TIG welding, easy to handle, high plasticity of the weld metal. High …
  2. … Very good welding and wetting characteristics and high resistance to cracks and …
  3. … Applicable for welding of joints and surfacings of stabilized, corrosion resistant …
  4. … above 815 °C (1500°F) up to 1149 °C (2100°F), especially when welding on base metals of nickel-iron-chromium alloys. … Inconel alloys …
  5. … impact levels. Very good weld deposit appearance and outstanding welding properties on both AC and DC+. Preheating is not required. … …
  6. … Extreme easy to weld with excellent welding properties and increased yield strenght. High world wide …
  7. … FL 880 is a fused flux for SAW welding stainless steels and Nickel based alloys. Basicity: about 1,3 …
  8. … excellently suitable for root runs in vertical up position in pipe welding. The slag is self detaching and the special red coating was …
  9. … range of alloys. Thicker sections should be preheated (150°C) prior to welding. … Aluminium alloys: AlMg3, AlMg4, AlMg5,AlMgSi0.5, AlMgSi1; …
  10. … treatable. Thicker sections should be preheated (150°C) prior to welding. … G-AlSi10Mg, G-AlSi11 G-AlSi12 (Cu), G-AlSi7Mg, G-AlSi6Cu4 , …