1. Brand: UTP
    CEWELD Product: E DUR 60 Kb
    … 55 … UTP DUR 600 …
  2. Brand: FILEUR
    … 40 … FILEUR DUR 554 M …
  3. … 5 3 1.2606 X37CrMoW 5 1 1.2713 55NiCrMoV 6 1.2714 56NiCrMoV 7 … E DUR 49 … 14700: E Fe3 …
  4. Brand: Esab
    CEWELD Product: OA 350
    … 39 … Esab OK Tubrodur 15.43 …
  5. … parts, Stone crushers, Hammers, Gears, Cams, rails, crossings etc. … E DUR 400 CrMo … 14700: E Fe3 …
  6. … impact and high temperatures up-to 550 °C. The weld deposit of CEWELD DUR SS 60Ti is more or less comparable with HSS (High Speed Steel) and … Hot work tools, wood knives etc. High speed Tool steel deposit. … E DUR SS 60Ti … A 5.13: ~E Fe6 … 14700: E Fe4 …
  7. … CEWELD MA 350 offers almost full hardness in the first layer and can be applied … to increase the hardness (wear resistance) from the hardface layer.  … 350 HB hardfaing alloy, sprocket wheels, rebuilding, crushing hammers, … high pressure caused by metal to metal friction. … ~1.7363 … MA 350 … A 5.21: ERFe-1 … 14700: S Fe2 …
  8. … CEWELD E DUR 71 is designed to offer full wear resistance and high hardness … industry, electricity powerplant srews (ash), mining, drilling etc … E DUR 71 …
  9. … on parts subject to abrasion. Excellent bonding strength. Is an 1.3505 Steel type specially modified for spraying. … Flame spray, Electric spray and high speed flame spray. … 1.3505 … SP 1.3505 … 14919: X.mod type …
  10. … including metal to metal friction. The weld deposit of CEWELD E DUR 300 Kb is an exceptional easy to apply alloy without any risk for … crushers, Hammers, Gears, Cams, bearings, rope winches etc... … E DUR 300 Kb … 14700: E Fe1 …