1. … FL 838 is an agglomerated flux for SAW welding stainless steels and Nickel based alloys: AISI 308L, 347, 316L, …
  2. … La demande de consommables de soudage augmente de jour en jour en raison de l'industrie qui construit des bâtiments plus grands et plus …
  3. … for steel types up to 550 MPa yield strength, excellent welding properties and extreme low hydrogen content below HD 3 ml/100gr … heat treatments as applied in Riser applications. … Reh ≤ 550 MPa, ISo 15608: 1.3, 2.1, ~3.1 S460N, S460M, S460NL, S460ML, S460Q-S555Q, …
  4. … Excellent welding properties with high build-up capacity and low dilution rate. …
  5. … A Rutile basic electrode for welding austenitic-ferritic stainless alloys of the 22% Cr, 5% Ni, 3% …
  6. … a slightly higher percentage of phosphor, suitable for TIG welding, easy to handle, high plasticity of the weld metal. High …
  7. … low hydrogen content when combined with Ceweld  FL 155. Developed for welding cold tough, high tensile fine grain steel exceeding a yield …
  8. … A continuous, solid, corrosion-resistant, duplex wire for welding austenitic-ferritic stainless alloys of the 22% Cr, 5% Ni, 3% … is used in a variety of applications across all industrial segments. … ISO 15608: (8.1), 10.1-10.2,  TÜV 1000: Gr. 31, DUPLEX 2209, 22%Cr 9%Ni …
  9. … The electrode has a soft but intensive welding character, a fine-structured seam surface and excellent …
  10. … treatable. Thicker sections should be preheated (150°C) prior to welding. … Cast aluminium up to 12% Si: G-AlSi10Mg, G-AlSi11, G-AlSi12 …