1. … treatable. Thicker sections should be preheated (150°C) prior to welding. … G-AlSi10Mg, G-AlSi11 G-AlSi12 (Cu), G-AlSi7Mg, G-AlSi6Cu4 , …
  2. … to buffer with an electrode like CEWELD® E DUR 350 Kb that delivers a welding deposit of less hardness. Overlays on steel with high tensile …
  3. … above 815 °C (1500°F) up to 1149 °C (2100°F), especially when welding on base metals of nickel-iron-chromium alloys. … Inconel alloys …
  4. … and impact values makes this electrode a excellent choice for critical welding applications.  … Screening steels Tools steels* Low alloyed … 45C4*, manganese steels, X120Mn12, 1.3401, C45, dissimilar joint welding between steel and stainless steel such as: Armor plate, high carbon steels. Recommended for welding rails, crossing, crusher teeth, hammers and applications where …
  5. … and weldability, better wetting properties compared to solid wires. Excellent weld metal quality and X-ray soundness. Post weld heat …
  6. … 3 (according to Boniszewski) Current: DC or AC, in single or multi-wires Grain size: 2-20 … S355, S420, S460, X65, X70, X80 … FL 160 … …
  7. … deposition rates and improved wetting properties compared to solid wires with comparable analysis. Attractive bead appearance without slag …
  8. … range of alloys. Thicker sections should be preheated (150°C) prior to welding. … Aluminium alloys: AlMg3, AlMg4, AlMg5,AlMgSi0.5, AlMgSi1; …
  9. … against hot cracking due to the high Mo content. During build-up welding, the weld metal already achieves approximately the composition …
  10. … crack resistant alloy with high mechanical properties and excellent welding characteristics. High impact strength at sub zero temperatures …